Friday, 13 December 2013

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

July 20th 1991, and my Italian adventure begins. I step down off the train in the summer heat at the station of Alassio, some 90km from Genova in the direction of Ventimiglia and the French border. 
The plan is to stay three months, but as we all know, the best laid plans...

December 13th  2013, and I'm sitting at my desk on a bright, crisp winter's day to the north of Milan, the Italian Alps visible in the distance from my office window. 
The poem Ithaca by C.P. Cavafy comes to my mind, and the fact that more than often in life it's the journey and not the destination that counts. 
My father gave me a copy of this poem in 1991 as I set out on my journey. 

Many things have changed since then.
Many of those who waved me off are no longer here.
Many of those who I met along the way are lost to me now.
Many more, and this I'm sure of, I have yet to meet.

This blog is another new beginning, an attempt to overcome an inherent desire to remain hidden
and an inherent feeling that what I might want to say will be of little interest to others.
I have no dreams of protagonism but wish simply to share some of my encounters, experiences
and ideas with you.

I hope you enjoy it.



  1. The 'We only came here for 3 months/2 years' (delete as appropriate) meme is so common in our world!

    The desire to remain hidden is commonly expressed. I am not about to try and convince you otherwise but I do champion the benefits of making contacts around the world for learners and for that a certain amount of visibility is required. I interpret 'world' very broadly. Even having a Skype chat with someone in the next town is part of that if the alternative is that you could not meet because of lack of time and/or finances.

  2. Hi Karl,
    Thanks for sharing this and that lovely poem recited by Sean Connery. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!
    I was only supposed to go to Milan for three months....:-)

  3. Yes, it has that effect on me too!
